Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Survival of the Faux Leftist

Note: Originally written May 2011

There is perhaps no field in American academia more contemptibly critical of American foreign policy than Latin American Studies. Admittedly, historical US actions in the region have not been without fault, and there is ample room for criticism. However, there is a consistent aspersion against American values, economic systems, and political beliefs on an unrivaled scale.

Ironically, Leftists in the class, consisting of everyone save myself and a few others, cede American exceptionalism, American evangelistic zeal for capitalism, and other right-wing historical precepts The difference is that they use them as pejoratives.  I digress.

Nuance is a cherished goal, especially when one is right-of-center at the university, but no ideologue, Right or Left, can remain long without betraying at least the most basic of his political tenets. Having exposed my inner ______ [insert fascist, neocon, Nazi, un-American, etc.] for weeks, I decided to speak and act like a Leftist during Thursday’s class. My normal erudition in defense of (gasp) capitalism, Americanism, and (gasp gasp) anti-Communism would be channeled towards a critique of American Empire, derision towards neoliberal economic policies, and extolling the beneficence of leftist groups in Latin America.

 Surprisingly, my initial comments were bought wholesale by both professor and classmates. Students eagerly leap-frogged my Leftist (albeit somewhat nuanced) commentary, conscripting arguments and nodding their heads in emphatic agreement when I beat the drumrolls of the Left in rhythm.  Smiles abounded, dissent was all but nonexistent, and the professor, to his credit, attempted a devil’s advocate defense of basic capitalism that (surprise!) was summarily rejected.

 I began to contemplate. There is an onus that, for many, dooms the Leftist to disillusion. For many on the hard Left, the dreams of social democracy, Marxian freedom, and social justice have been dashed into thin air by the continued triumph of ideas deemed heretical by the intelligentsia for decades. Caught between a hatred for the ‘American ideal’ and the undeniable (economic) successes of freer markets and freer people in the world in state growth, they are resigned to miserably criticizing other tenets not involving economic growth. They succumb to a fait accompli defense of their principles, such as decrying the loss of “culture” and economic “security”, nipping the heels of free enterprise like the lap dog of some cosmopolitan.

To paraphrase an undeniably brilliant professor on campus, while the various crises of capitalism engender “breaking out the champagne” among the disillusioned standard-bearers and scions of the New Left, capitalism and the American way begrudgingly (to the Left) prove resilient. But I digress again.

 Try as I might to hide my thoughts after forty-five minutes of the charade, I soon drew the ire of one student who had finished a “truth-to-power” polemic against NAFTA and corporations:

“You seem to have something to say; what do you think?”

“Oh, I agree wholeheartedly…(laughter) (pause) Screw it, I can’t do this anymore. I’m done acting like a Leftist.”

(Professor with sincere suprise) “Wait, you mean all your earlier comments weren’t sincere?”

“Oh, absolutely not.” (laughter) (Professor looks despondent) 

“If you can articulate the other side so well, why don’t you lend it any credence?”

“Because I’m Right.”

To my Rightist friends of all stripes, I hope this little vignette brightens your day. To my friends on the Left, please know that my criticism and joshing is never an ad hominem against you or your intelligence. There is a rigidity in academia that is a hindrance to a true “marketplace of ideas”, and it is the duty of every free-thinking individual, Right or Left, to be critical of the standard lines. Be intellectual in your provocations, pragmatic in your discussions, and principled in your conclusions.

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